SciDM (Scientific Data Management) Group aims to bridge a gap between frontiers in software technology and scientific research. Focused on genomics and computational biology, SciDM Group develops tools and technologies for efficient and cost-effective management and processing of terabytes of highly structured and heavily interconnected bioinformatics data.

SciDM Group is an informal non-commercial association of enthusiastic computational biologists and software engineers. Most of the products developed by SciDM Group are open-source or intended to become such. We are open for collaborations and appreciate comments and discussions.

Major projects developed by SciDM Group are:

  • SciDM DBMS - high performance zero-maintenance object-relational NoSQL database engine
  • EMBEDB - embedded data access library serving as a back-end for SciDM System (open source)
  • QSimScan - ultra-high speed DNA and protein sequence similarity search tool (open source)
  • Transcriptomics pipeline - integrated solution for EST and RNAseq data analysis
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